The Computer Guy's
Clarion for Windows Tips
The Clarion for Windows tip collection contains seven articles I wrote between
1995 and 1997 on how to accomplish programming tasks using Clarion for Windows.
Some of the technology here (DDE, for one) is outdated, but some is still relevant.
For example, I still use the same basic method for report layout as the method
I described in 1996.
Tips with the
icon include a sample program. The Clarion old-timers will recognize that orange
thing as the old Clarion logo used before the current pyramid logo was introduced.
I once saw a box of candy labeled “Dragon Droppings” on a coworker's
desk. WordPerfect Corporation produced them to promote drag-and-drop support
in WordPerfect for Windows. This tip looks at how to add drag-and-drop support
to your Clarion for Windows applications.
This tip examines the CloseWindow and CloseDown events. These events are generated
when a user closes the window or exits your program. By learning to control
these events, you can take control of when your windows close and what happens
before they do.
The MCI (Media Control Interface) device interface gives you control of the
multimedia devices on your system. Using MCI, you can easily add basic multimedia
capabilities to your Clarion programs.
With a few simple changes, you can convert a program that uses standard DDE
to use network DDE so that it can communicate across a network.
Techniques you can use to improve the appearance of printed reports in Clarion
for Windows.
How the Clarion for Windows ACCEPT loop differs from the DOS ACCEPT loop and
why you should consider using it instead of LOOP.
How to get the NetWare user name using NWCALLS.DLL, a NetWare programmer's
interface DLL.
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